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Butikatmosfärens stimuli: En studie om hur konsumenter upplever butiksmiljön
Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
2014 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Store Environment Stimuli                                                                                        - A : study on how consumers perceive the store environment (English)
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för vilka faktorer som påverkar konsumentens butiksupplevelse. Detta för att få kunskap om hur butiker kan möta kundens behov, genom utformning av butiksutrymmet samt personalens bemötande. Studien ämnar ta reda på vilka faktorer som skapar en positiv respektive negativ respons från konsumenten. Undersökningen genomfördes genom deltagande observationer, där en person åt gången observerades och intervjuades under en shoppingtur. Detta för att ta del av både konsumentens åsikter samt agerande i miljön.

Ett ord som var återkommande i samtliga deltagande observationer var struktur, då deltagarna ansåg att butikens struktur var mycket viktig för helhetsintrycket. Det fick inte vara rörigt i butiken. Efter varje butik fick deltagarna säga tre ord de förknippade med butiken som precis hade besökts. De positiva ord som sades flest gånger var ljust och fräscht. Medan det negativa ordet som förekom mest var rörigt. Helhetsintrycket av butiken var det viktigaste för konsumenterna varpå de synliga faktorerna tog störst plats. Personalens uppmärksamhet och interaktion visade även på en betydande roll.

Abstract [en]

The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that affect how consumers perceive store environments. This is to gain knowledge about how retailers can meet customer needs, through the design of the store space and services. The study intends to determine which factors that create a positive relative to negative response from the consumer. The survey was conducted through participant observation, in order to take part of the consumer's opinions and actions within a store environment. One person at a time was observed and interviewed, during a shopping trip.

A word that was repeated in all participant observations was structure. The participants felt that the store's structure was very important to the overall impression. After each shop, participants were told to say three words they associated with the store. The positive words that were said the most times were bright and clean. While the negative word that appeared most times was disarray. The study shows that the overall impression of the store is the most important factor. The visible factors are although those who are noticed the most. Attention from the staff and interaction also revealed a significant role in the consumer’s overall impression.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 46
Keywords [en]
Store atmosphere, store environment, environment psychology, emotional response, consumer behaviour
Keywords [sv]
Butiksatmosfär, butiksmiljö, miljöpsykologi, känslorespons, konsumentbeteende
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-24342OAI:, id: diva2:737030
Subject / course
Business Studies
2014-06-04, Södertörns högskola, Alfred Nobels allé 7, 141 52 Huddinge, 14:00 (Swedish)
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Available from: 2014-08-18 Created: 2014-08-11 Last updated: 2014-08-18Bibliographically approved

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