The aim of this study was to investigate whether teachers are involved in children´s play, what their perspectives are on the importance of play and what conditions teachers have to stimulate children in their playing. In this study, I’ve been able to verify that play has a great value for children’s learning development. My method have been interviewing four teachers at a kindergarten in order to examine educators’ perspective on the importance of play.
The results of my investigation showed that teachers believe that play and role- play have a major impact on children's learning. The teachers especially wanted to point out the importance of children’s´ indulgence in the game. Playing should not just be a moment for kids to learn, but it should also be a time where the kids have fun while they’re learning. Teachers use different methods in order to make playing more enjoyable at the same time the kids are learning. The methods they use are important for children to increase the motivation and desire to learn new things and see the reality. According to the educators it’s important that teachers can participate in the play and thereby be role- models and facilitate of play development. Last but not least, the four educators considered that play is an important way to learning.