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Title [sv]
Bland getter och kor - lokala produktionssystem av mervärdesostar i Europa - en komparation
Title [en]
Rural development, traditional goods, territories and local production systems in Europe - a comparative study
Abstract [sv]
Projektet syftar till att studera hur en inriktning av jordbruket mot småskalig, miljövänlig nischproduktion, åtföljd av lokal vidareförädling till lokalt präglade och certifierade kvalitetsprodukter (inklusive en satsning på att bygga upp lokala varumärken), kan bidra till att vända den negativa trend som verkar för avfolkning av landsbygden – och därmed också förbättra möjligheterna till ökad sysselsättning, vända befolkningstrenden, öka servicen, samt förbättra villkoren för företagande i skogs- och mellanbygder. Detta är relevant, för att kunna skapa en brygga från nuvarande lantbruksgeneration till nästa, samt för att förändra genuskontrakten så att de tar hänsyn till dagens levnads- och arbetsvillkor.Genom att teoretiskt binda samman nuvarande kunskap om hur lokala nätverk av företag på landsbygden använder sig av den kulinariska traditionen, den lokala geografin och starka varumärken, med teorier om entreprenörskap och varumärken, vill projektet bidra med både teoretisk, men också praktisk kunskap om varför det finns ett stort antal framgångsrika exempel av lokalproduktion i södra och centrala Europa, men inte i Sverige? Vilka faktorer skulle kunna underlätta för varumärkesetablering och förstärkning av företagarmiljöerna på svenska skogs- och mellanbygder? Vad kan vi lära oss av resten av Europa?Projektet kommer att bygga på en jämförelse mellan tre syd/centraleuropeiska fallstudier, nämligen Cantabriaost från Spanien, Le Bleau de Versours-Sassenage från Grenoble, samt Gailtaler Almkäse från Österrike. Dessa kommer att jämföras med tre svenska fall, nämligen Västerbottensost från Burträsk, ost från svenska fjällkor från Påverås gårdsmejeri, samt getost från Jämtlands fäbodar. Samtliga fallstudier uppvisar liknande förutsättningar inom ett flertal dimensioner rörande geografiskt läge och produktens kvalitet.Genom att identifiera de viktigaste faktorerna bakom den på många håll positiva utvecklingen i södra och centrala Europa och sedan studera i vilken omfattning och hur dessa kan överföras till svenska förhållanden kommer projektet att kunna redovisa ett antal slutsatser som direkt kan komma till användning för att främja en socioekonomisk och miljömässig hållbar landsbygdsutveckling i Sverige.
Abstract [en]
To promote rural development is an important goal of agricultural policy in Sweden as well as in Europe. Declining rural population has become more and more difficult to counteract because globalization promotes rationalisation and centralisation of agricultural production. In parts of Europe the creation of strong trademarks based on local production systems and culinary traditions has contributed to halt of this process. Traditional products such as Parma ham have been established as strong trade marks, which contributed to a positive rural development, not the least by promoting increased occupation for women. EU has contributed to strengthening of local production systems through the establishment of certification systems. In spite the inherent potential of such trade marks and strategies, they have widely been neglected in Sweden. Moreover, because this issue has drawn little attention in the academic discussion, there is a lacuna of knowledge about the potential of quality certifications and their possible contribution to rural development in Sweden. How come that locally based production systems with certified trade marks flourish in southern Europe but not in Sweden? Through a comparison between successful experiences in southern Europe and incipient experiences in Sweden, our project aims to contribute with new knowledge that will promote our knowledge about the conditions for entrepreneurship in rural areas.
Publications (9 of 9) Show all publications
Rytkönen, P., Bonow, M., Girard, C. & Tunón, H. (2018). Bringing the Consumer Back in—The Motives, Perceptions, and Values behind Consumers and Rural Tourists’ Decision to Buy Local and Localized Artisan Food—A Swedish Example. Agriculture, 8(4), Article ID 58.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Bringing the Consumer Back in—The Motives, Perceptions, and Values behind Consumers and Rural Tourists’ Decision to Buy Local and Localized Artisan Food—A Swedish Example
2018 (English)In: Agriculture, E-ISSN 2077-0472, Vol. 8, no 4, article id 58Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article highlights the motivational factors behind consumers’ and tourists’ decisions to buy local artisan cheese in Jämtland (Sweden). Empirically, the case itself diverts from the typical Franco-Mediterranean case in which both the actions of producers and consumers are embedded in historical, long-term culinary traditions and territorial features, nor is it the typical farmers’ market or another market-driven direct produce system. The main purpose is to shed light on the motivational factors behind the purchasing decision of consumers and tourists by studying the attributes that consumers embody in the products. The article is based on two consumer surveys/short interviews, the first conducted in June 2012 and the second in February 2017. The results were tested against/related to the wider local food discussion conceptualized through four types of attributes. Namely, intrinsic and extrinsic attributes; post-modernity and environmental attributes; geographical and territorial attributes; and local and rural development attributes. The results in this article clearly show that consumers value a combination of different attributes from both market-driven direct produce systems and close typicity systems. Therefore, the construction of proximity from the point of view of the consumer can be derived from a complex set of attributes and motivational factors not normally highlighted in the localized food discussion

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Basel: MDPI, 2018
proximity; consumers’ motivational factors; local food systems; localized food systems; typicity; food attributes; close typicity food system
National Category
Social and Economic Geography
Research subject
Politics, Economy and the Organization of Society
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-34922 (URN)10.3390/agriculture8040058 (DOI)000435176500014 ()2-s2.0-85046441253 (Scopus ID)3299/3.1.1/2016 (Local ID)3299/3.1.1/2016 (Archive number)3299/3.1.1/2016 (OAI)
Biologiskt kulturarv som bärkraftig värdeskapare
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005Interreg Sweden-Norway
Available from: 2018-05-02 Created: 2018-05-02 Last updated: 2022-07-07Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P. (2016). Local resources, foreign influences, value creation, tradition and modernity. The case of a Local Agro-food System in Jämtland, Sweden. Culture & History Digital Journal, 5(1), Article ID e009.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Local resources, foreign influences, value creation, tradition and modernity. The case of a Local Agro-food System in Jämtland, Sweden
2016 (English)In: Culture & History Digital Journal, E-ISSN 2253-797X, Vol. 5, no 1, article id e009Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

During the 1980’s collective action was initiated with the purpose of saving the remnants of traditional livestock farming in Jämtland. This led to the articulation of a local agro-food system (LAFS) that managed to commercialize important elements of traditional agriculture by adding elements of modernity. Farm diversification was an important strategy that led to the forward integration of farms that includes the start of small scale farm dairies, farm cafes, direct sales, at the farm, through markets and other local channels, B&Bs and outdoor tourism operations. In the mentioned process, foreign knowledge and experience led to the opening of a new market for traditional products. This case shows that the localization and appropriation of foreign elements can be a fruitful strategy to promote territorial development in regions like Jämtland. This article highlights how a LAFS was articulated within the frame of the birth of a new industry, composed by small, semi-artisan dairy firms and which institutional side effects that this experience has led to.

Abstract [es]

Recursos locales, influencias extranjeras, creación de valor, tradicion y modernidad. El caso de un Sistema Agroalimentario Local en Jämtland, Suecia.- Durante la década de los 80, un proceso de acción colectiva se inició con el propósito de salvar los restos de la ganadería tradicional en Jämtland. Esto resultó en la creación de un sistema agroalimentario local que logró comercializar elementos importantes de la agricultura tradicional, añadiendo elementos de modernidad. La diversificación de las fincas fue la estrategia más importante, dentro de la cual se promovió la creación de un sector de pequeñas industrias lácteas en las fincas, cafés rurales y asimismo la venta directa a los consumidores en dichas fincas, en mercados y otros canales de comercialización, servicios de alojamiento y desayuno y operaciones turísticas al aire libre. En este proceso, conocimiento y experiencias extranjeras jugaron un papel clave en la apertura de un nuevo mercado para los productos lácteos tradicionales. Este caso demuestra que la localización y la apropiación de elementos extranjeros puede ser una estrategia fructífera para promover el desarrollo territorial en regiones como Jämtland. Este artículo pone de relieve cómo un sistema agroalimentario local se articula en el marco del nacimiento de una nueva industria compuesta por pequeñas empresas lácteas, de carácter semi-artesanal. También se discuten los efectos institucionales secundarios que fueron originados por esta experiencia.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Madrid: Departamento de Publicaciones, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2016
Localization; territorial development; territorial governance; farm diversification. rural development; farm dairies; new rurality.
National Category
Human Geography
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-30344 (URN)10.3989/chdj.2016.009 (DOI)000404956500009 ()2-s2.0-85008210823 (Scopus ID)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Swedish Research Council, 2008-2005
Available from: 2016-06-16 Created: 2016-06-16 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P., Bonow, M. & Dinnetz, P. (2016). Mountain agriculture at the crossroads, biodiversity, culture, and modernization, conflicting and interacting interests.. In: Thomas Aenis, Andrea Knierim, Maja-Catrin Riecher, Rebecka Ridder, Heike Schobert and Holger Fischer (Ed.), Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies. Paper presented at 11th European IFSA (European Farming Systems Association) Symposion, Berlin, 1-4 April 2014 (pp. 893-904). Müncheberg: Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Mountain agriculture at the crossroads, biodiversity, culture, and modernization, conflicting and interacting interests.
2016 (English)In: Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies / [ed] Thomas Aenis, Andrea Knierim, Maja-Catrin Riecher, Rebecka Ridder, Heike Schobert and Holger Fischer, Müncheberg: Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) , 2016, p. 893-904Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Mountain agriculture emerged at the intersection of the "wild economy," which focused on hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants and the agricultural based economy that is characterized by the domestication of animals and cultivation of the soil. Like other traditional systems based on pasture, the Swedish mountain systems is based on the use of inherited traditional knowledge and mountain pastures have over centuries created a very rare and rich habitat in the form of upland hay meadows. Today, both traditional knowledge and the rich biodiversity in the mountains are endangered by the implementation of modern practices that lead to a number of conflicts that go beyond the tragedy of the commons. One important source of conflict emanates from the changing role of the countryside, a role that creates expectations on farmers to deliver recreation, magnificent landscapes, new job opportunities, operate hotels , produce, cheese, maintain a cultural heritage and contribute to the conservation of native breeds . Another problem is caused by new support systems and regulations that create incentives to intensify the exploitation of summer farms by using the pastures for modern meat cattle breeds, which changes the landscape, but also makes traditional farmers upset, because of the risk of losing the traditions of summer farms.

An additional source of conflict is created by the state’s changing attitudes towards the mountain world, as the state aims to shut down all existing (state owned) leased mountain flats (fjällägenheter) by cutting down basic infrastructure. The remaining flats are located primarily in the northern parts of Jämtland. They contribute to the maintenance of a very unique flora and insect fauna.  By comparing two cases, one in Klövsjö and one in the northern part of the region, this paper contributes with new knowledge about  mountain agriculture, including interlocking interests, competitive activities, potentials and conflicts.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Müncheberg: Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF), 2016
Biodiversity, mountain agriculture, rural tourism, commons.
National Category
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-25153 (URN)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)978-3-9813957-5-4 (ISBN)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
11th European IFSA (European Farming Systems Association) Symposion, Berlin, 1-4 April 2014
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005
Available from: 2014-10-28 Created: 2014-10-28 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P. (Ed.). (2014). Food and Rurality in Europe: Economy, Environment and Institutions in Contemporary Rural Europe. Huddinge: COMREC, Södertörns Högskola
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Food and Rurality in Europe: Economy, Environment and Institutions in Contemporary Rural Europe
2014 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This book is the result of a workshop about localized agri-food systems held at biannual conference of the International Farming Systems Association in 2010. All articles depart from the reality experienced by rural agents in Europe. Some of the main concerns of rural Europe today include institutional and cultural questions, socio-economic perspectives as well as urgent environmental topics. All of these perspectives are present in this book.

A common point of departure of most articles is small scale agriculture and/or local food production. Several of the contributions highlight the growing concerns about food freshness and food security, which are often linked to a demand for traditional cuisine. Some chapters also underline the importance of cooperation between small-scale farmers and food artisans, including their market and branding strategies. European and international branding/quality schemes, such as PDO/PGI, regional trademarks and the Ark of Taste are thoroughly analyzed and linked to the articulation of localized agri-food systems. The contributions also highlight an interesting contrast in the perception of “local” and the strategies of territorial organization used in in different parts of Europe.


Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Huddinge: COMREC, Södertörns Högskola, 2014. p. 368
COMREC Studies in Environment and Development, ISSN 1652-2877 ; 10
Localized Agri-food systems, Local food, Rural development
National Category
Social and Economic Geography Economics and Business
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-22971 (URN)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)978-91-975017-9-8 (ISBN)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005
Available from: 2014-04-08 Created: 2014-04-08 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P. (2014). Place based branding and localized agri-food systems in Cantabria and Gotland. In: Paulina Rytkönen (Ed.), Food and Rurality in Europe: Economy, Environment and Insitutions in Contemporary Rural Europe (pp. 65-102). Huddinge: COMREC, Södertörns Högskola
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Place based branding and localized agri-food systems in Cantabria and Gotland
2014 (English)In: Food and Rurality in Europe: Economy, Environment and Insitutions in Contemporary Rural Europe / [ed] Paulina Rytkönen, Huddinge: COMREC, Södertörns Högskola , 2014, p. 65-102Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This article highlights the benefits and constraints, as well as the experiences in working with place based branding in Cantabria (Spain) and Gotland (Sweden). In Cantabria, the main tool for place based branding is the protected designation of origin (PDO) quality scheme, while in Gotland, the main common branding tool is a trademark owned by the municipality and used by all local agents that apply for it. The article highlight the different ways in which these tools have been used.  

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Huddinge: COMREC, Södertörns Högskola, 2014
COMREC Studies in Environment and Development, ISSN 1652-2877 ; 10
place based branding, PDO, Localized agri-food system, local food
National Category
Economics and Business
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-22972 (URN)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)978-91-975017-9-8 (ISBN)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005
Available from: 2014-04-08 Created: 2014-04-08 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Barjolle, D., Belletti, G., Marescotti, A., Casabianca, F., Cristóvão, A., De Rosa, M. & Rytkönen, P. (2014). Prologue. The Role of Localised Agrifood Systems in a Globalised Europe. International Agricultural Policy, 1, 7-10
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Prologue. The Role of Localised Agrifood Systems in a Globalised Europe
Show others...
2014 (English)In: International Agricultural Policy, ISSN 1722-4365, Vol. 1, p. 7-10Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Verona: Edizioni L'Informatorio Agrario, 2014
Geographical indications, agricultural policy, food quality
National Category
Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
Research subject
Politics, Economy and the Organization of Society; Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-27080 (URN)
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005

Parallell tidskriftstitel: Politica Agricola Internazionale

Available from: 2015-04-29 Created: 2015-04-29 Last updated: 2022-07-07Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P. (2013). Gastronomiska regioner - ett verktyg för utveckling. Landsbygd i Centrum (2), 3-3
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Gastronomiska regioner - ett verktyg för utveckling
2013 (Swedish)In: Landsbygd i Centrum, ISSN 2000-5245, no 2, p. 3-3Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Länsstyrelsen Stockholm, 2013
Gastronomi, lokal mat, tillväxt
National Category
Food Science
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-18934 (URN)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Gastronomiska Regioner - ett verktyg för att främja tillväxt i svenska lands- och glesbygder
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005
Available from: 2013-05-27 Created: 2013-05-27 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Bonow, M. & Rytkönen, P. (2013). Kalixlöjom - an institutional analysis of the application and implementation of Sweden's first PDO. Spanish journal of rural development, 4(4), 59-66
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Kalixlöjom - an institutional analysis of the application and implementation of Sweden's first PDO
2013 (English)In: Spanish journal of rural development, ISSN 2171-1216, E-ISSN 2172-2277, Vol. 4, no 4, p. 59-66Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The use and implementation of Geographical Indications (GI) is a wellestablished practice in most EU countries. Previous studies show thatthe use of PDOs and PGIs is directly related to previous experiencesas well as the relative importance of the agro-food sector in a country'seconomy. In the case of Sweden, the agro-food sector has beenoriented towards continuous structural rationalization since at least the1930's. However, the transformation pressure exerted by a risingcompetitive level in the market, that emanates both from global aswell as regional European sources led to the adoption of newstrategies. These strategies entail the on-farm elaboration of farmproduce, the diversification of activities as well as the use ofcertification schemes. In the case of Kalixlöjrom, the strategy selectedwas the adoption of a PDO, as a way of entering a valorisation processfor export purposes as well as defending the product against dislojalcompetition of products with less quality. As this is the firstexperience with a PDO in Sweden, the case of Kalixlöjrom caviaroffers a rare opportunity to understand the actual problems inimplementing a policy tool developed by Southern European countriesin a country like Sweden. Thus the article highlights the institutionaland structural shortcomings discovered in this process and offers newknowledge and reflections valuable for the future adaptation andimplementation of previously unknown policy instruments

PDO, Kalixlöjrom, quality schemes, CAP, institutional convergence
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Economic Geography
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-21025 (URN)10.5261/2013.GEN4.06 (DOI)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Swedish Research Council, 2008-02005
Available from: 2014-01-06 Created: 2014-01-06 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Rytkönen, P. (2013). Sweden - an emerging wine country - a case of innovation in the context of the "new rurality". Spanish journal of rural development, IV(4), 79-88
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Sweden - an emerging wine country - a case of innovation in the context of the "new rurality"
2013 (English)In: Spanish journal of rural development, ISSN 2171-1216, E-ISSN 2172-2277, Vol. IV, no 4, p. 79-88Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This articla highlights the articulation of the new rurality in Sweden, exemplified by the emergence of the wine sector. Wine production became possible as a result of climate change and Sweden's EU membership that led to the abolishment of the production and wholesale monopoly. Even though wine production is an old activity in other countries, in Sweden, the establishment of wine production is an innovation and as such a reflection of rural entrepreneurship. But not everything is a saga of success. The case study shows that there are still important constraints against the further development of the sector. In this case, due to path dependency in agricultural and alcohol policy and current Swedish alcohol regulations. Some additional obstacles are the prohibition against gate sales and the inability of farms to meet the scale demands imposed by the public retail monopoly.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lugo: , 2013
New Rurality, Wine, Sweden, climate change, entrepreneurship, innovations
National Category
Business Administration
Research subject
Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-21096 (URN)10.5261/2013.GEN4.08 (DOI)1766/42/2008 (Local ID)1766/42/2008 (Archive number)1766/42/2008 (OAI)
Available from: 2014-01-08 Created: 2014-01-08 Last updated: 2021-04-16Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorRytkönen, Paulina
Co-InvestigatorGratzer, Karl
Coordinating organisation
Södertörn University
2009-01-01 - 2013-12-31
National Category
Business AdministrationSocial and Economic Geography
DiVA, id: project:1847Project, id: 2008-02005_VR

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