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Titel [en]
Markets & Regions - A project on region building and the long-term sustainability and potential integrative effects of capital mobility and investment in the Baltic Sea Region
Abstract [en]
Establishment of markets and creation of regions are acknowledged as slow and incremental processes, but there are also examples of rapid and revolving changes, which can deepen or completely change earlier patterns. Such a revolutionary change was the 1989 downfall of the Soviet system in Eastern Europe, which created completely new conditions for the flow of trade, investments and services between countries that hitherto had been separated despite the geographic proximity. The Nordic countries have since long tried to find different venues to increase the integration between the countries, but after the fall of the Iron Curtain, these efforts were reformulated to create a “Baltic Sea Region”. Initially, these efforts were contained to various political initiatives in order to increase the level of integration in the region, but since, private business has gradually increased their role as region-maker in the Baltic Sea Region. Upon this, industries from the Nordic countries have transferred parts of their production to the Baltic states, which increased naturally export and import between the countries in the region. Yet another revolutionary change is the ongoing global financial crisis, which in particular has hit the former planned economies in Eastern Europe. The financial systems in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea Region have suffered from enormous credit losses, and this development is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, there are also indications that the volume of foreign direct investments in the manufacturing sector has shrunk dramatically, as the same time as the trade has stagnated. This research project intends to increase our understanding of economic processes that are crucial to create markets and regions. These issues are investigated and analyzed in particular from the viewpoint of foreign direct investments and trade flows in the region. Questions that are guiding the project include: What are the characteristics of the Baltic Sea Region economic integration since 1989? For example, in what ways and why have the flows of capital, services and goods changed over the last 20 years? To what extent have investment flows been an enabling force in the emergence of this region and to what extent is the potential impact sustainable? Eastward transfers of production accompanied the enlargement of the European Union, but how has this pattern changed after the financial crisis and what are its implications on a sustainable economic development? Will the effects of the global financial crisis lead to a deepened integration of the Baltic Sea Region, or are there any risks of dissolution of the integration efforts made so far? Thus, our point of departure in this project is the initial post-Soviet liberalisation of trade and investment, and the project analyzes how market forces and capital flows over the last 20 years helped to reshape the regional composition in northern Europe. Using quantitative and qualitative methods (e.g. in-depth interviews and case studies) the project offers a holistic understanding of the “blackbox” of the economic integration process in the region.
Publikationer (3 of 3) Visa alla publikationer
Lönnborg, M. & Olsson, M. (2017). The rise and fall of the Baltic Sea Region?: The economic and political underpinnings of a northern European macroregion, 1990-2015. In: : . Paper presented at 42nd Annual Economic and Business History Society Conference, Oklahoma City, USA, May 25-27, 2017..
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The rise and fall of the Baltic Sea Region?: The economic and political underpinnings of a northern European macroregion, 1990-2015
2017 (Engelska)Konferensbidrag, Enbart muntlig presentation (Refereegranskat)
Abstract [en]

It has been suggested that regionalism is defined “as an economic process whereby economic flows grow more rapidly among a given group of states [in the same region] than between these states and those located elsewhere”. In this paper we approach the economic underpinnings for the Baltic Sea Region by analysing the developments with regard to trade and investment in the quarter of a century that has passed since the fall of the communist regimes that divided the European continent At the same time we look into the political developments that brought the 2009 adoption of the European Union’s first macroregional strategy, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The strategy was a symbolic second milestone with regard to the political endeavours to reintegrate the continent; the first being the 2004 enlargement. Having transformed the Baltic Sea from a ‘Mare Dividum’ to a European ‘Mare Nostrum’ was indeed also a sign of the success of such integrative political processes.

However, it may also be argued that the perceived need for a specific strategy in order to further and deepen the integration and reduce the economic gaps within the European Union gives an indication that there was more to be wished for with regard to this region. Further, more recent political developments in Europe as such as well as the constituent countries of this macroregion has cast some doubts on the future. In this paper we ask ourselves whether developments with regard to investments and trade are in congruence with the notion of the building of one integrated region; does it make economic sense to talk about a Baltic Sea Region or is the eastwest divide still present? For example, to what extent have the developments with regard to foreign direct investments proved sustainable? What sectors are leading the way and which are lagging? What divisions remain to be tackled? These are some of the questions that this paper attempts to address based upon a thorough analysis of the existing sources with regard to foreign direct investment and trade flows. In addition, in a concluding section, we open up an analysis on whether recent political development risk nullifying the progress made on the economic arena – or whether Brexit and connected developments are actually reinforcing the European macroregional agenda?

Nationell ämneskategori
Ekonomi och näringsliv
Östersjö- och Östeuropaforskning
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-32764 (URN)1303/42/2009 (Lokalt ID)1303/42/2009 (Arkivnummer)1303/42/2009 (OAI)
42nd Annual Economic and Business History Society Conference, Oklahoma City, USA, May 25-27, 2017.
Östersjöstiftelsen, 44/2013Östersjöstiftelsen, A066-2009
Tillgänglig från: 2017-06-12 Skapad: 2017-06-12 Senast uppdaterad: 2021-04-27Bibliografiskt granskad
Olsson, M. & Lönnborg, M. (2017). Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in the Baltic Sea Region, 1990-2015: Lessons from attempts at regional integration in post-communist Europe. In: : . Paper presented at Tolfte ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Stockholm, 12-14 oktober 2017.
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in the Baltic Sea Region, 1990-2015: Lessons from attempts at regional integration in post-communist Europe
2017 (Engelska)Konferensbidrag, Muntlig presentation med publicerat abstract (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Nationell ämneskategori
Ekonomi och näringsliv
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-34228 (URN)
Tolfte ekonomisk-historiska mötet, Stockholm, 12-14 oktober 2017
Östersjöstiftelsen, A066-2009
Tillgänglig från: 2018-01-16 Skapad: 2018-01-16 Senast uppdaterad: 2021-04-27Bibliografiskt granskad
Nakamura, R., Olsson, M. & Lönnborg, M. (2012). FDI in the post-EU accession Baltic Sea Region: A global or a regional concern?. Baltic Journal of Economics, 12(2), 89-108
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>FDI in the post-EU accession Baltic Sea Region: A global or a regional concern?
2012 (Engelska)Ingår i: Baltic Journal of Economics, ISSN 1406-099X, Vol. 12, nr 2, s. 89-108Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper investigates the dynamics of FDIs in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by applying the Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood estimation method on a gravity model. In particular, we analyze the influence of macro and spatial factors on investment stock changes and discuss whether the origin of these investments and the 2004 EU enlargement have had any effects on BSR FDIs.

Our results suggest that EU enlargement has been significant for FDI activity in the region, and that FDI is basically a regional issue as it tends to be bilateral within the region. However, the same results also suggest that geographic distance is not a significant factor. We conclude that while being traditional in nature, the BSR FDI pattern is undergoing changes towards a lesser degree of geographic bias.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Riga: BICEPS, 2012
Baltic Sea Region, FDI, Trade, Gravity Model, Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood method
Nationell ämneskategori
Östersjö- och Östeuropaforskning
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-18150 (URN)10.1080/1406099X.2012.10840519 (DOI)000314618900006 ()2-s2.0-84874285970 (Scopus ID)1303/42/2009 (Lokalt ID)1303/42/2009 (Arkivnummer)1303/42/2009 (OAI)
Östersjöstiftelsen, A066-2009
Tillgänglig från: 2013-01-25 Skapad: 2013-01-25 Senast uppdaterad: 2021-04-27Bibliografiskt granskad
ProjektmedarbetareLönnborg, Mikael
ProjektledareOlsson, Mikael
Koordinerande organisation
Södertörns högskola
2010-01-01 - 2012-12-31
Nyckelord [sv]
Östersjö- och Östeuropaforskning
Nyckelord [en]
Baltic and East European studies
Nationell ämneskategori
Ekonomisk historia
DiVA, id: project:1790Projekt id: A066-2009_OSS

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