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Publications (10 of 17) Show all publications
Porseryd, T., Larsson, J., Lindman, J., Malmström, E., Smolarz, K., Grahn, M. & Dinnétz, P. (2024). Effects on food intake of Gammarus spp. after exposure to PFBA in very low concentrations. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, Article ID 116369.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Effects on food intake of Gammarus spp. after exposure to PFBA in very low concentrations
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2024 (English)In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X, E-ISSN 1879-3363, Vol. 202, article id 116369Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of thousands of highly persistent anthropogenic chemicals widely used in many industries. Therefore, they are, ubiquitously present in various types of environments. Despite their omnipresence, ecotoxicological studies of most PFAS are scarce, and those available often assess the effects of long chain PFAS. In this study, we present the results of an exposure experiment in which wild aquatic amphipod Gammarus spp. was exposed to the short chain perfluorinated substance perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) at very low and environmentally relevant concentrations of 0, 10 and 100 ng/L. The exposure lasted for 12 days, and food intake and non-reproductive behavior were analyzed. Exposure to 10 and 100 ng/L PFBA resulted in a lower consumption of food during exposure but no effect on behavior was found. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2024
Aquatic environment, Behavioral, Feeding, Gammarids, PFAS, PFBA, Pollution, Anthropogenic chemicals, Aquatic environments, Ecotoxicological study, Food intake, Gammarid, Gammarus, Low concentrations, Perfluorobutanoic acid, Polyfluoroalkyl substances
National Category
Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-53914 (URN)10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116369 (DOI)001298231200001 ()38640762 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85190529991 (Scopus ID)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, S2-20-0019
Available from: 2024-04-24 Created: 2024-04-24 Last updated: 2025-01-09Bibliographically approved
Porseryd, T., Volkova Hellström, K. & Dinnétz, P. (2024). Pesticide residues in ornamental plants marketed as bee friendly: Levels in flowers, leaves, roots and soil. Environmental Pollution, 345, Article ID 123466.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Pesticide residues in ornamental plants marketed as bee friendly: Levels in flowers, leaves, roots and soil
2024 (English)In: Environmental Pollution, ISSN 0269-7491, E-ISSN 1873-6424, Vol. 345, article id 123466Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Ornamental plants rich in pollen and nectar are often marketed as “pollinator-friendly” by flower retailers. However, even though the plants are attractive from a foraging perspective, i.e pollen and nectar rich, bees and other pollinating insects could be at risk from exposure of pesticide residues on the plants or from pesticide used during production. Pesticides used in ornamental plant production could lead to environmental emissions both during cultivation, at retailer displays and when planted in gardens by the consumers. This study aims to investigate what pesticides that are used in the production of perennial ornamental plants sold in Sweden and if the residues could pose a risk for wild pollinators. We analyze an array of 536 pesticides in whole flowers, leaves, roots and soil of 54 individual (46 had flowers) perennial plants specifically marketed as “bee friendly”. In addition, seeds from 65 seed bags were analyzed for the same pesticides. Our result show for the first time the distribution of pesticide residues between flowers, leaves, roots and soils of ornamental plants. We also show that all ornamental plants analyzed contained at least one pesticide, and that some samples contained up to 19 different substances.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2024
Pesticides, Ornamental flowers, Environmental exposure, Bee friendly, Non-target organisms, Floriculture
National Category
Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-53468 (URN)10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123466 (DOI)001179629400001 ()38295928 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85183970562 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2024-02-06 Created: 2024-02-06 Last updated: 2024-04-05Bibliographically approved
Moberg, C., Wolrath Söderberg, M., Sandberg, L., Lindblad, I., Sjöholm, C., Gullström, M., . . . Stedt, K. (2022). De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten: 1 620 forskare och lärare i forskarvärlden: Vi ställer oss bakom Auroras klimatkrav. Aftonbladet (2022-12-07)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten: 1 620 forskare och lärare i forskarvärlden: Vi ställer oss bakom Auroras klimatkrav
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2022 (Swedish)In: Aftonbladet, no 2022-12-07, p. 2Article in journal, News item (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Abstract [sv]

Vi, 1 620 forskare samt lärare vid universitet och högskolor, är eniga med de unga bakom Auroramålet: De drabbas och riskerar att drabbas allvarligt av klimatkrisen under sin livstid. De klimatåtgärder vi vidtar i närtid avgör deras framtid. Sverige måste ta ansvar och göra sin rättvisa andel av det globala klimatarbetet. 

I strid med Parisavtalet ökar utsläppen av växthusgaser i en takt som gör att 1,5-gradersmålet kan överskridas om några år. De globala effekterna blir allt mer synliga med ständiga temperaturrekord, smältande isar, havshöjning och extremväder som torka, förödande bränder och skyfall med enorma översvämningar, som i Pakistan nyligen. Försörjningen av befolkningen utsätts för allvarliga hot i många länder.

Minskningen av den biologiska mångfalden är extrem. Klimatkrisen är enligt WHO det största hotet mot människors hälsa i hela världen och barn utgör en särskilt sårbar grupp. Med Sveriges nordliga läge sker uppvärmningen här dubbelt så fort som det globala genomsnittet. Det förskjuter utbredningsområden för växtlighet och sjukdomsbärande insekter och ökar förekomsten av extremväder såsom värmeböljor, skogsbränder och översvämningar samt av många olika sorters infektioner och allergier. När extremväder ökar, ökar även stressen och risken för mental ohälsa. Värmeböljor ökar risken för sjukdom och död hos sårbara grupper som äldre, små barn och personer med kroniska sjukdomar. De negativa effekterna på hälsan kommer att öka i takt med klimatkrisen och barn riskerar att drabbas av ackumulerade negativa hälsoeffekter under hela sina liv. Redan i dag är mer än hälften av unga mellan 12 och 18 år i Sverige ganska eller mycket oroliga för klimat och miljö. Detta är förståeligt när våra beslutsfattare inte gör vad som krävs.

Den juridiska och moraliska grunden för arbetet mot klimatförändringarna är att varje land måste göra sin rättvisa andel av det globala klimatarbetet. Centralt i det internationella klimatramverket är att rika länder med höga historiska utsläpp, däribland Sverige, måste gå före resten av världen. Dessa länder måste också bidra till att finansiera klimatomställningen i länderna i det Globala Syd, som är minst ansvariga för klimatkrisen men drabbas hårdast. Denna rättviseprincip är tydlig i Parisavtalet och var en het diskussionsfråga under COP27 i Sharm el-Sheikh, men lyser med sin frånvaro i det svenska klimatarbetet. 

Sverige har satt mål för att minska sina utsläpp. Men de är helt otillräckliga: minskningstakten är för låg och målen tillåter samtidigt att åtgärder skjuts på framtiden. Dessutom exkluderas merparten av Sveriges utsläpp från de svenska nationella utsläppsmålen; bland annat utelämnas utsläpp som svensk konsumtion orsakar utanför Sveriges gränser, utsläpp från utrikes transporter och utsläpp från markanvändning och skogsbruk, exempelvis utsläpp från förbränning av biobränslen eller utsläpp från dikade våtmarker (Prop. 2016/17:146 s.25-28).

Sverige saknar dessutom ett eget mål för att öka upptaget av växthusgaser genom utökat skydd och restaurering av ekosystem, något som krävs för att begränsa de värsta konsekvenserna av klimatkrisen (IPCC s.32). Trots dessa låga ambitioner misslyckas Sverige med att nå sina utsläppsmål, konstaterar både Klimatpolitiska rådet och Naturvårdsverket. En klimatpolitik i linje med Parisavtalet kräver både att alla typer av växthusgasutsläpp minskar samtidigt som – inte i stället för – upptaget av växthusgaser maximeras: i dag misslyckas Sverige på bägge fronter.

Slutsatsen är tydlig. Sverige vidtar inte de åtgärder som krävs för att skydda barns och ungdomars rättigheter enligt Europakonventionen till skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Detta medför allvarliga risker för liv och hälsa för unga generationer, människor i andra länder och särskilt utsatta grupper. Detta kan inte fortsätta. Därför ställer vi oss bakom Auroras krav att Sverige börjar göra sin rättvisa andel och omedelbart sätter igång ett omfattande och långtgående klimatarbete som vilar på vetenskaplig grund och sätter rättvisa i centrum.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Aftonbladet, 2022. p. 2
Klimatförändringar; växthusgaser; mänskliga rättigheter
National Category
Law and Society
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-50340 (URN)

Aftonbladet Debatt

Available from: 2022-12-07 Created: 2022-12-07 Last updated: 2023-10-06Bibliographically approved
Gerhardt, K., Wolrath Söderberg, M., Lindblad, I., Diderichsen, Ö., Gullström, M., Dahlin, M., . . . Gradén, M. (2022). Nog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar. Aftonbladet (2022-08-25)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Nog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar
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2022 (Swedish)In: Aftonbladet, no 2022-08-25Article in journal, News item (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Aftonbladet Hierta, 2022
National Category
Other Social Sciences Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-49755 (URN)

Debattartikel från 1944 svenska forskare och anställda i forskarvärlden.

Available from: 2022-08-26 Created: 2022-08-26 Last updated: 2025-01-08Bibliographically approved
Banyoi, S.-M., Porseryd, T., Larsson, J., Grahn, M. & Dinnétz, P. (2022). The effects of exposure to environmentally relevant PFAS concentrations for aquatic organisms at different consumer trophic levels: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Environmental Pollution, 315, Article ID 120422.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The effects of exposure to environmentally relevant PFAS concentrations for aquatic organisms at different consumer trophic levels: Systematic review and meta-analyses
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2022 (English)In: Environmental Pollution, ISSN 0269-7491, E-ISSN 1873-6424, Vol. 315, article id 120422Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is a collective name for approximately 4700 synthetic chemicals ubiquitous in the aquatic environment worldwide. They are used in a wide array of products and are found in living organisms around the world. Some PFAS have been associated with cancer, developmental toxicity, endocrine disruption, and other health effects. Only a fraction of PFAS are currently monitored and regulated and the presence and effects on aquatic organisms of many PFAS are largely unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the health effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of PFAS on aquatic organisms at different consumer trophic levels through a systematic review and meta-analysis. The main result shows that PFAS in concentrations up to 13.5 μg/L have adverse effects on body size variables for secondary consumers. However, no significant effects on liver or gonad somatic indices and neither on fecundity were found. In addition, the results show that there are large research gaps for PFAS effects on different organisms in aquatic environments at environmentally relevant concentrations. Most studies have been performed on secondary consumers and there is a substantial lack of studies on other consumers in aquatic ecosystems.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2022
Aquatic organisms, Exposure effects, PFAS, Systematic review, meta-Analysis
National Category
Biological Sciences
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-50117 (URN)10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120422 (DOI)000884336000010 ()36244496 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85140274537 (Scopus ID)3790–3.1.1–2020 (Local ID)3790–3.1.1–2020 (Archive number)3790–3.1.1–2020 (OAI)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, S2-20-0019
Available from: 2022-10-21 Created: 2022-10-21 Last updated: 2022-11-29Bibliographically approved
Eggertsen, M., Larsson, J., Porseryd, T., Åkerlund, C., Chacin, D. H., Berkström, C., . . . Halling, C. (2021). Coral-macroalgal interactions: Herbivory and substrate type influence growth of the macroalgae Eucheuma denticulatum (NL Burman) Collins & Hervey, 1917 on a tropical coral reef. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 542, Article ID 151606.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Coral-macroalgal interactions: Herbivory and substrate type influence growth of the macroalgae Eucheuma denticulatum (NL Burman) Collins & Hervey, 1917 on a tropical coral reef
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2021 (English)In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, ISSN 0022-0981, E-ISSN 1879-1697, Vol. 542, article id 151606Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Introduced macroalgae becoming invasive may alter ecological functions and habitats in recipient ecosystems. In the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), non-native strains of the native macroalgae Eucheuma denticulatum were introduced for farming practices and consequently spread into the surrounding seascape. We investigated potential effects of non-native and native strains of this macroalgae on a branching coral. We conducted a four-factor field experiment where we examined growth and holdfast development of introduced and native E. denticulatum on live and dead branches of Acropora sp. in the presence and absence of herbivores in Unguja Island, Zanzibar. Moreover, we estimated coral and macroalgae condition by visual examinations, gene expression analyses, and photosynthetic measurements. Macroalgae did not attach to any live coral and coral condition was not impacted by the presence of E. denticulatum, regardless of geographical origin. Instead, necrotic tissue on the macroalgae in areas of direct contact with corals indicated damage inflicted by the coral. The biomass of E. denticulatum did not differ between the replicates attached to live or dead corals in the experiment, yet biomass was strongly influenced by herbivory and replicates without protection from herbivores had a significantly lower biomass. In the absence of herbivory, introduced E. denticulatum had significantly higher growth rates than native algae based on wet weight measurements. These results contribute to an increased understanding of environmental effects by the farming of a non-native strain of algae on corals and stresses the importance to maintain viable populations of macroalgal feeding fishes in such areas.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2021
National Category
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-46321 (URN)10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151606 (DOI)000687854700009 ()2-s2.0-85109542670 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Research Council, 2014-3264Swedish Research Council, 2015-05848Swedish Research Council, E0344801

This work was supported by Albert & Maria Bergström's Foundation and the Swedish Research Council [grant numbers 2014-3264, 2015-05848 and E0344801].

Available from: 2021-09-02 Created: 2021-09-02 Last updated: 2022-11-03Bibliographically approved
Porseryd, T., Larsson, J., Kellner, M., Bollner, T., Dinnétz, P. & Porsch Hällström, I. (2019). Altered non-reproductive behavior and feminization caused by developmental exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol persist to adulthood in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Aquatic Toxicology, 207, 142-152
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Altered non-reproductive behavior and feminization caused by developmental exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol persist to adulthood in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
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2019 (English)In: Aquatic Toxicology, ISSN 0166-445X, E-ISSN 1879-1514, Vol. 207, p. 142-152Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The synthetic estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), ubiquitous in the aquatic environment and commonly detected in sewage effluents, interferes with the endocrine system in multiple ways. Exposure during sensitive windows of development causes persistent effects on fertility, reproductive and non-reproductive behavior in mammals and fish. In the present study, three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were exposed to nominal 0 and 20 ng/L EE2 from fertilization to 7 weeks post-hatch. After 8 months of remediation in clean water three non-reproductive behaviors, not previously analyzed in developmentally EE2-exposed progeny of wild-caught fish, were evaluated. Chemical analysis revealed that the nominal 0 and 20 ng/L exposure contained 5 and 30 ng/L EE2, respectively. Therefore, the use of control fish from previous experiments was necessary for comparisons. Fish exposed during development showed significant concentration-dependent reduction in anxiety-like behavior in the scototaxis (light/dark preference) test by means of shorter latency to first entrance to the white compartment, more visits in white, and longer total time in white compared to unexposed fish. In the novel tank test, developmental exposure significantly increased the number of transitions to the upper half of the aquaria. Exposure to EE2 during development did not alter shoal cohesion in the shoaling test compared with unexposed fish but fish exposed to 30 ng/L EE2 had significantly longer latency to leave the shoal and fewer transitions away from the shoal compared to fish exposed to 5 ng/L EE2. Skewed sex ratio with more females, sex reversal in genetic males as well as intersex in males was observed after exposure to 30, but not 5 ng/L EE2. In conclusion, EE2 exposure during development in three-spined stickleback resulted in persistent effects on anxiety-like behaviors. These long-term effects from developmental exposure are likely to be of higher relevance for natural populations than are short-term effects from adult exposure.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2019
Endocrine disruption, 17α-ethinylestradiol, fish, estrogens, developmental exposure, behavior, intersex
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Environmental Studies; Baltic and East European studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-34932 (URN)10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.11.024 (DOI)000457659300016 ()30572174 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85058462347 (Scopus ID)1556/42/2011 (Local ID)1556/42/2011 (Archive number)1556/42/2011 (OAI)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, A065-2011

As manuscript in dissertation.

Available from: 2018-05-04 Created: 2018-05-04 Last updated: 2021-01-25Bibliographically approved
Kellner, M., Porseryd, T., Porsch Hällström, I., Borg, B., Roufidou, C. & Olsén, K. H. (2018). Developmental exposure to the SSRI citalopram causes long-lasting behavioural effects in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecotoxicology, 27(1), 12-22
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Developmental exposure to the SSRI citalopram causes long-lasting behavioural effects in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
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2018 (English)In: Ecotoxicology, ISSN 0963-9292, E-ISSN 1573-3017, Vol. 27, no 1, p. 12-22Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of psychotropic drugs used to treat depression in both adolescents and pregnant or breast-feeding mothers as well as in the general population. Recent research on rodents points to persistent behavioural effects of pre- and perinatal exposure to SSRI which last into adulthood. To study effects of developmental exposure in fish, three-spine sticklebacks were exposed to 1.5 µg/l of the SSRI citalopram in the ambient water for 30 days, starting two days post-fertilisation. After 100 days of remediation in clean water the fish were put through an extensive test battery. Feeding behaviour was tested as the number of bites against a piece of food and found to be increased in the exposed fish. Aggression levels were measured as the number of bites against a mirror image during 10 minutes and was also found to be significantly increased in the exposed fish. Novel tank behaviour and locomotor activity was tested in an aquarium that had a horizontal line drawn half-way between the bottom and the surface. Neither the latency to the first transition to the upper half, nor the number of transitions or the total time spent in the upper half was affected by treatment. Locomotor activity was significantly reduced in the exposed fish. The light/dark preference was tested in an aquarium where the bottom and walls were black on one side and white on the other. The number of transitions to the white side was significantly reduced in the exposed fish but there was no effect on the latency to the first transition or the total time spent in the white half. The results in the current study indicate that developmental SSRI exposure causes persistent behavioural effects in fish and contribute to the existing knowledge about SSRIs as environmental pollutants.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2018
Aggression; Feeding; Fish; Locomotor; SSRI; Scototaxis
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Environmental Studies; Baltic and East European studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-32426 (URN)10.1007/s10646-017-1866-4 (DOI)000419679500003 ()29058178 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85031892443 (Scopus ID)1352/3.1.1/2015 (Local ID)1352/3.1.1/2015 (Archive number)1352/3.1.1/2015 (OAI)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, 13/2015Stockholm County Council, 806/3.1.1/2014

As manuscript in dissertation. with title: Developmental exposure to the SSRI citalopram causes persistent behavioural effects in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Available from: 2017-04-19 Created: 2017-04-19 Last updated: 2022-02-25Bibliographically approved
Porseryd, T. (2018). Endocrine disruption in fish: Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol exposure on non-reproductive behavior, fertility and brain and testis transcriptome. (Doctoral dissertation). Huddinge: Södertörns högskola
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Endocrine disruption in fish: Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol exposure on non-reproductive behavior, fertility and brain and testis transcriptome
2018 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Aquatic environments are the end recipient for most anthropogenic chemical pollutants. One common chemical pollutant found in the aquatic environment is 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), a synthetic estrogen used in contraceptive pills. EE2 is found in sewage treatment plant effluents and surface waters in concentrations from non-detectable up to 300 ng/L. EE2 has the ability to bioaccumulate and is more than 10 fold more potent in fish than the natural counterpart estradiol. Exposure has led to skewed sex ratios, decreased egg and sperm production, and altered reproductive behavior.  The aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of EE2 exposure on non-reproductive behavior and fertility in fish. We found that zebra fish exposed to low concentrations of EE2 during development showed increased anxiety-like behavior and decreased fertility that were persistent in adulthood, even after a long remediation period in clean water. The altered behavior and lowered fertility were accompanied by alterations in the testis and brain transcriptome of possible significance for the behavior and fertility effects. The zebrafish was also used in adult exposures of EE2 and citalopram, alone and in combination to investigate if behavioral effects can be detected at very low concentrations, and if so, if the two compounds would interact and affect the behavioral outcome. Anxiety-like behavior was altered by EE2 and the two compounds in combination affected the outcome of each other. Further, when developmental exposure of progeny to wild caught three spined stickleback was used as a link between laboratory fish and natural fish populations, EE2 was found to decrease the anxiety-like behavior in the adult stickleback as well as cause ovotestis and intersex, feminization and sex reversal of genetic males. In conclusion, fertility and non-reproductive behaviors in the zebrafish and three spined stickleback are sensitive to EE2 exposure and effects from developmental exposures seem to be persistent.  Fertility and behavior are of high ecological significance for fish and alterations due to EE2 exposure might have negative effects on population fitness. The persistent alterations in the transcriptome of the zebrafish testis and brain lead to generation of hypotheses of mechanisms involved in the behavior and reproductive phenotypes caused by developmental exposure to EE2.

Abstract [sv]

Den akvatiska miljön är ofta särskilt utsatt för miljöföroreningar då de flesta ämnen förr eller senare sprids dit genom bland annat markavrinning, nedfall från luften och/eller från vattenreningsverk. Syntetiskt östrogen som används i p-piller, 17α-etinylestradiol (EE2), sprider sig ofta till vattenmiljön från avloppsvatten, då det bara delvis renas bort i vattenreningsprocessen. EE2 är ett hormonstörande ämne med förmågan att ansamlas i organismer och mer än tio gånger så verksamt i fisk som det naturliga hormonet estradiol (E2). Man har tidigare sett att exponering för EE2 även i de låga halter som påvisas vid vattenreningsverk bland annat har lett till minskade produktion av ägg och spermier samt förändrade parningsbeteenden.

I denna avhandling undersöks effekterna av EE2 på fiskars icke-reproduktiva beteende och fertilitet. Dessa faktorer är av hög ekologisk relevans för fisk då förändringar på dessa kan ge negativa effekter på populationsnivå. Resultaten visar att zebrafisk som exponeras för låga halter av EE2 under utvecklingen uppvisar ett mer ängsligt beteende och har lägre fertilitet när de blir vuxna även efter en lång återhämtningsperiod i rent vatten. Det förändrade beteendet uppvisas även hos avkomman till dessa fiskar.  Förändringarna i beteende och fertilitet åtföljdes av förändringar i hjärnans och testikelvävnadens transkriptom, dvs. förändringar i vilka gener som uttrycks. I zebrafiskens testikelvävnad hittades bland annat en skillnad i uttryck av gener kopplade till könsdifferentiering och utveckling samt spermatogenesen, gener som kan ha betydelse för den nedsatta fertiliteten. I zebrafiskens hjärna hittades ingen skillnad i uttryck på gener direkt kopplade till stressaxeln men däremot på flera andra gener i nätverk som indirekt kan kopplas till det ängsliga beteendet som dygnsrytm och kolesterolsyntes. I naturen exponeras organismer ofta för en blandning av föroreningar. Därför undersöktes också effekter av EE2 i kombination med citalopram, ett antidepressivt läkemedel som ofta påvisas i vattenmiljön, för att undersöka om förändringar i beteende kan påvisas även vid väldigt låga koncentrationer av varje ämne och, om så är fallet, vilka effekter en kombination av de två ämnena ger. Vuxna zebrafiskar uppvisade beteendeförändringar även vid dessa låga koncentrationer efter två veckors exponering och de två ämnena påverkade beteendet olika var för sig och i kombination. Vidare, användes vildfångad storspigg i ett exponeringsexperiment för att undersöka om resultaten från zebrafisken, som är en avlad laboratoriefisk, kan ses också i vilda fiskpopulationer. Även storspiggar som exponerades för EE2 under utveckling fick ett modifierat beteende samt en skev könsfördelning som vuxna: fler honor fanns hos de storspiggar som exponerats och vidare undersökningar visade att dessa var genetiska hanar som utvecklats som honor.

Den här avhandlingen visar beständiga förändringar i zebrafiskens transkriptom i hjärna och testikelvävnad efter exponering för EE2 i låga halter under utveckling. Både icke-reproduktiva beteenden och fertilitet visade sig känsliga för EE2 i såväl zebrafisk som storspigg och effekterna verkar vara permanenta. Sammanfattningsvis har EE2 effekter på ekologiskt relevanta faktorer hos fisk i de halter som förekommer i vattenmiljön och hormonstörande föroreningar som EE2 kan ge långvariga effekter som syns senare i livet även vid låga koncentrationer.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2018. p. 165
Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations, ISSN 1652-7399 ; 155
17α-ethinylestradiol, endocrine disrupting chemical, fish, behavior, fertility, transcriptome, RNA sequencing
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Environmental Studies; Baltic and East European studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-34913 (URN)978-91-88663-43-6 (ISBN)978-91-88663-44-3 (ISBN)
Public defence
2018-06-01, MA624, Alfred Nobels allé 7, Huddinge, 10:00 (English)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies
Available from: 2018-05-08 Created: 2018-04-30 Last updated: 2018-05-08Bibliographically approved
Porseryd, T., Reyhanian Caspillo, N., Volkova, K., Elabbas, L., Källman, T., Dinnétz, P., . . . Porsch Hällström, I. (2018). Testis transcriptome alterations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) with reduced fertility due to developmental exposure to 17α-ethinyl estradiol. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 262, 44-58
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Testis transcriptome alterations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) with reduced fertility due to developmental exposure to 17α-ethinyl estradiol
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2018 (English)In: General and Comparative Endocrinology, ISSN 0016-6480, E-ISSN 1095-6840, Vol. 262, p. 44-58Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

17α-Ethinylestradiol (EE2) is a ubiquitous aquatic contaminant shown to decrease fish fertility at low concentrations, especially in fish exposed during development. The mechanisms of the decreased fertility are not fully understood. In this study, we perform transcriptome analysis by RNA sequencing of testes from zebrafish with previously reported lowered fertility due to exposure to low concentrations of EE2during development. Fish were exposed to 1.2 and 1.6 ng/L (measured concentration; nominal concentrations 3 and 10 ng/L) of EE2 from fertilization to 80 days of age, followed by 82 days of remediation in clean water. RNA sequencing analysis revealed 249 and 16 genes to be differentially expressed after exposure to 1.2 and 1.6 ng/L, respectively; a larger inter-sample variation was noted in the latter. Expression of 11 genes were altered by both exposures and in the same direction. The coding sequences most affected could be categorized to the putative functions cell signalling, proteolysis, protein metabolic transport and lipid metabolic process. Several homeobox transcription factors involved in development and differentiation showed increased expression in response to EE2 and differential expression of genes related to cell death, differentiation and proliferation was observed. In addition, several genes related to steroid synthesis, testis development and function were differentially expressed. A number of genes associated with spermatogenesis in zebrafish and/or mouse were also found to be differentially expressed. Further, differences in non-coding sequences were observed, among them several differentially expressed miRNA that might contribute to testis gene regulation at post-transcriptional level. This study has generated insights of changes in gene expression that accompany fertility alterations in zebrafish males that persist after developmental exposure to environmental relevant concentrations of EE2 that persist followed by clean water to adulthood. Hopefully, this will generate hypotheses to test in search for mechanistic explanations.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Academic Press, 2018
National Category
Other Biological Topics Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Baltic and East European studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-29441 (URN)10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.03.011 (DOI)000430995100006 ()29526718 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85044314644 (Scopus ID)1556/42/2011 (Local ID)1556/42/2011 (Archive number)1556/42/2011 (OAI)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, A065-2011Stockholm County Council, 806/3.1.1/2014

Som manuskript i avhandling. As manuscript in dissertation.

Available from: 2016-02-02 Created: 2016-02-04 Last updated: 2020-07-17Bibliographically approved
Health hazard in the Baltic sea: the effect of fluorinated substances on Baltic sea organisms [S2-20-0019_OSS]; Södertörn University; Publications
Porseryd, T., Larsson, J., Lindman, J., Malmström, E., Smolarz, K., Grahn, M. & Dinnétz, P. (2024). Effects on food intake of Gammarus spp. after exposure to PFBA in very low concentrations. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, Article ID 116369. Banyoi, S.-M., Porseryd, T., Larsson, J., Grahn, M. & Dinnétz, P. (2022). The effects of exposure to environmentally relevant PFAS concentrations for aquatic organisms at different consumer trophic levels: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Environmental Pollution, 315, Article ID 120422.

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